Results & Case Studies

Arena Alumni share their REAL results

If you watch just a single video on this page, watch this one. It’s a compilation of past clients sharing the results they got from The Arena Performance Accelerator and what it’s helped them achieve…

"The profits are more than $200k a month. And this is profits we're talking about not, not top line revenue, top line revenues just keeps going up. I honestly believe I would never have experienced a genuinely happy day of my life had I not started working here, I have my first ever happy days age 56. Now, as a result of working together."

Ian horley - Founder & CEO, Hub Snacks

“So last month, year on year, the revenue of the business was up 128%. For the last 6 to 9 months I was banging my head against the wall, trying to figure things out.

You need someone who gives you no bullsh*t advice.“

julian goldie - founder & ceo, seo link builder

"It's life-changing stuff. What I was doing previously was trying to scale my business to this magic number that I thought would make me feel like the business was a success.
I've completely restructured the way in which I work and run my life. They’ve all been maximized for what would actually get me and my family to what we want."

ANTHONY NOUD - founder & director, Awakened lifestyles 

"When people ask, 'Why was The Arena so valuable for me?' It was 100% execution. It comes down to the actual execution of the things I already knew I needed to do."

tom hine - founder & ceo,
Care Collective 

"I really liked about The Arena that it's very direct. It can break you down to the most simple things and then it also is very complex. You connect the dots so that you remove the impediments and achieve your maximum result."


"Mindset coaching with Itamar has been transformative. I grew my business from $10k a month to $3,000,000 a month in 1.5 years! I was underperforming my true potential, but now have audacious goals, clear waypoints and am on track to achieve them. Quite simply, Itamar is world class at what he does, and an inspirational man to have in your corner."

Scott Phillips - Investor & CEO,  Scott Philips Investing

"November was our best month ever and December is on track to be our best month ever as well.
Internally, it just feels a lot easier, a lot smoother, it's a lot more straightforward to just go and get done what I need to get done. I'm not exhausting myself like I was doing before."

John Ainsworth - Founder & CEO, Data Driven Marketing

"When I started with The Arena, we had about 3 franchise locations. Now we have 18 franchise locations and probably will have even more coming up.
I thought that growing a business would sacrifice a lifestyle and I realized in The Arena that that wasn't the case."

neel parekh - Founder & CEO,
Maidthis franchise

"This summer, I ended up getting second place for over $400K, and then another $220K score a week later.
The summer was just full of scores.
I would say that 99% of people either lose or break even, and I was lucky enough to be part of that 1%. But with that luck came the preparation, which was us working together and putting those systems into place"


"I’m of the belief that as a CEO you should always be doing personal and professional development to grow and evolve. I’ve done other programs, but nothing like this. This is by far the best program I’ve ever done."

alan gould - Founder & CEO,
sales pulse

"I would have paid 10x more for The Arena program, knowing what I've taken out of it than what I went into it with, because the unlock for me is worth 100x what I paid for it."

Alexander de fina - health & fitness entrepreneur

"Joining the program was a lot of money for me at the time.
Since doing The Arena I’ve 3x the business.
That doesn't even include what's on the horizon, in the next 2 months I could 10x the business. And those things would not be here had I not worked on myself. I'm firing on all cylinders, 100%. There is no ifs, ands or buts."

Kevin Miller - Founder & CEO,
Global Data resource group

"Itamar has military background, he's not just some guy who decided to go to Bali and become a life coach. He offers no sugarcoating, no bullshit."

Mark Zhang - Founder & CEO,
Manta sleep

"The money I invested in Itamar’s training absolutely paid off straight away. During the training with Itamar, I got one client on a call and we closed the deal for $150,000."

Jason BArnard - Founder & CEO,

“The outcome was everything that every entrepreneur dreams of. When I was going through the coaching program, I was going through the due diligence process of getting my business acquired by Western Australia's largest and most successful agency. All the things that I learned in the program were essential throughout that entire process.”

hursh dodhia-shah - Founder & CEO,
aligned agency

“In about week four or five I’d had the most effortlessly productive week that I could remember in years. That was the point when I realized The Arena is working.”

NICK DREWE - Founder & CEO,

"Arena wasn't just more business tactics, it wasn't more hustle harder or wishy washy, airy fairy stuff. It was practical."


"I went from charging $3,000 to $10,000 a month on advertising retainers. There's also the time that I got back. I was able to retire my parents, which is something that I've always wanted to do. I'm investing for the future and I want to retire myself in a couple of years."

Hernan Vasquez - Founder, Hernan Vazquez Media

"I've doubled my monthly income since doing the program. I was unconsciously in the camp of thinking I had to feel a certain way in order to take consistent action. And he really helped me break through that belief."

Ryan Hickey - Founder & CEO,
Deep Health Discovery

"In reality I had imposter syndrome...I didn't believe in my skills, abilities. I didn't realize who I actually was. Results wise, during the 6 weeks, we're talking $70,000 easy. With the momentum I've got, $20,000 months are my new minimum quiet month numbers, where it used to be $5,000. The long-term effect just this year, is a couple of $100k at least."

Ben McAdam - Profits Coach & Co-Founder - Build, Scale, Sell

"There was a lot of procrastination and a lack of confidence in making decisions, I felt paralyzed. My biggest fear was just living a mediocre life. Now, there's a lot more confidence in what I can do. I'm thinking bigger and making everyday decisions with a lot more intentionality."

Alex Azoury - Content website investor, semi-retired writer

“I've done therapy, meditation groups, and communities for 50 years. I'm not a huge fan of therapy. It's looking backwards to get yourself to go forward. This was not that at all. The format was simple and elegant in terms of getting you to deal with where you are now and how you could move forward.” 


"It's about having real accountability, somebody who will call you out on your bullsh*t. Because everybody will serve bullsh*t when there's something quite difficult. You're just very direct in a very supportive, and you don't use that word, but in a loving manner."

patrice archer - founder & ceo, appy ventures

"We pre-launched a SaaS software that's gonna automate crypto portfolio and in two weeks we raised $30k.
Now I'm not scared about studying good opportunities and going harder on it. "


"I learned to have tough conversations with my investors and take ownership in my business instead of waiting for permission. That shift was a game-changer."

niels zee - founder & CEO,
traffic family

"Even before The Arena ended, I had to miss the last class because I was already in Australia and I was setting up the business. So definitely things have worked out much faster than I had anticipated."

Shriram iyer - founder & CEO,
perfect attire

"Working with Itamar has been game-changing. He helped identify limiting beliefs I didn't even know I had and helped break them down and overcome them one by one. He helped me gain freedom from my business while at the same time helping it grow to an 8-figure exit!"

Ray Blakney - Founder & CEO, Live Lingua & Podcast Hawk

"We had the best quarter ever last quarter, by about 40%. Each day I'm able to say, 'This is what we need to do.' And there's no trepidation it's going to fail."

David longhini - Co-founder & CEO, Empodio

"He's very observant in figuring out where there are flaws between your philosophies and your actions. It's exciting working through those because you get more out of life."

Max Hertan - Founder, Megaphone Marketing

"Working with Itamar has been life-changing. He provoked my thinking to make me see things differently. Because of that, I got to the next level."


"I went from charging $600 a day to locking in a $1,600 a day client for 6 months and closing a deal for $30,000 for a week's worth of work!"

Andrew McAvinchey - CEO, Mount Arbour Consultancy

“Build confidence from a place of who you are as a person and how you act rather than what you have accomplished."

Fabian Reinhardt - Business coach
& COnsultant

“There's this fantasy that once people get to 7 or 8 figures, they don't have any problems. Even if you're working at a high level, you have your doubts and worries. In The Arena, I was able to overcome my barriers and the worries. I'm an award-winning lecturer and the way Itamar handled the group and delivered the materials was exceptional.“

rory lees-oakes - co-founder &
co-director, counseling tutor ltd

“I finally feel in control. Since the program, I hired a general manager to run my e-commerce business, which I definitely wouldn't have done without it.“

tom - founder & ceo, e-commerce & software business

“I was lost. I didn’t understand what I wanted, and I just had no clue. Now, I have never felt better and I have a super structured system to win.“

Vlad Khvatov - SEO Portfolio Owner

"This has been the first full month since I did The Arena. I've already made the money back. It was also 5x more money than I've ever made in a month running my own business. So that was pretty astounding to me. "

Ryan Doyle - Saas founder

"At the time I joined Arena, that was a significant amount of investment for me. Today we are venturing into a new project where we will be competing with Airbnb and Stuff that I thought that I will never, ever be doing. I'm here, in the middle of it."

Jabez reuben - founder, &

"You're not just going in and learning a key motivational phrase to yell at yourself into the mirror before you start the day...."

chris dover - founder & ceo, pollinate trading

"I was doing mid-5 figures and as we sit here 2 years later, we're at mid-6 figures and rapidly approaching 7 figures. If you feel like you should be achieving more, but you're not making it happen. It's going to be mindset. I'm going to be forever thankful to the friend that recommended me."

Noel Andrews - CEO, Jobrack

"After The Arena I'm running full steam ahead at the second business, which was the thing that was bothering me that I wasn't running with."

Paul Evans - founder & ceo,
Toro Digital


"I’ve been working with Itamar for nearly two years, and the changes to my mindset have been profound. He has a proven track record in highly intense situations, and his advice and process are both credible and clear. I couldn’t recommend his Arena program more to anyone who needs a level-up boost to their thinking—one that actually sticks. This isn’t just a quick, euphoric boost forward; it’s a sustainable process that stays with you."

Michael Rochin - Freelance marketer & copywriter 

"Before meeting Itamar, I was plagued by fear and a sense of unworthiness. I was also a “yes man” and sacrificed my mental health to please others. But after The Arena, I now voice my ideas because I’ve realized I’m full of great ones. I no longer feel defeated by other’s success, instead I become inspired. And I now have a standard that helps me determine what I say “yes” or “no” to."

Peter Sergeant - Co-Founder,  Pearl Careers

"Itamar's coaching was transformative and life-changing. I went in wanting resilience and grit, and it turned out what I needed was some no-bullshit advice and challenging of my beliefs. It's gifted me a quiet, calm confidence that's been life-changing."

“The biggest fear for me was that this might just be like another mindset training that just ends up making me feel great in the moment, but nothing actually changes for good. That didn’t happen. It was a quantum leap for me as a human. I was able to let go of a lot of things that didn’t serve me. My life was immediately transformed.”

Nabeel Keblawi - CMO

“I went from ‘lost and helpless’ to ‘determined and disciplined’. In terms of business revenue, the results are amazing. Literally 20x.”

Cody Buscan

"I had reached the previous goals that I had set and surpassed them. A few weeks into the course, I realized I had some beliefs, and they were not only affecting my life, but had been affecting my business. Realizing that was like, whoa, why didn't I take this mastermind a year and a half ago? It could have saved me a whole lot of heartache and headache – and financial loss!"

Alem sultanic

"Talk to Itamar, he's a beast. He's helped Scott Phillips and many others level up their mind game."