Extreme Clarity Tool To Uncover The #1 Action To Grow Your Business... Without relying on discipline, motivation or Biohacking Nonsense.

How To Go From Overwhelm, Anxiety, Confusion, Stress and Procrastination to Confident, Clear, In Control and Executing Fast On What Makes The Difference - Using this little-known system used by elite Israeli forces In 2 minutes

Is someone else with your skillset achieving more than you? 
Then I've got good news and bad news...

First the bad news

Is somebody else with your skillset achieving more than you? 
Then I've got good news and bad news...

First the bad news

1. MORE isn't the solution

Your ambition alone isn't enough. Everyone can learn more skills, attend more conferences and read more books. But actually executing the few impactful actions is what separates the elite from the many.

2. you are the problem

If it's not your skillset that's holding you back, then you have everything in place to achieve more, but a part of you is holding you back.

3. Motivation will fail you

How many times have you motivated yourself to take action and then found yourself back at square one a week later? It's sexy to wake up at 4 am or find your WHY and have an endless well of alignment, but that's a fantasy. Unless you choose courage and look the truth in the eye you'll keep holding yourself back.

Now the good news

4. Pride, SUCCESS, and freedom are all attainable

You're not weak and there's nothing inherently wrong with you if you’re struggling to take impactful actions. That's natural. We all have fears that hold us back, but you don't have to be a prisoner to yours.

5. It requires deep, honest work and a proven system

No fluff, no BS motivation, no "woo woo". Just you, armed with The Elite Performance Method I learned from the Mossad’s top psychologist, confidently taking action and winning BIG.

6. You've come to the right MINDSET COACH

You're here because you want results. You've either said enough is enough or you want to go faster. Inspired by the Mossad's process to help agents perform under immense prolonged pressure, The Elite Performance system is how you conquer the final frontier of elite entrepreneurship. Welcome Home.

"Not Your Average Mindset Coach"

"He didn't just go for the lowest hanging fruit to tick off a quick win and "show a result" like most coaches do. Instead, we went deep on the hard stuff, and that's made a lasting difference..."

"My Mission is to share the tools and tactics I learned in the Israeli Special Forces, being an undercover agent, earning a BJJ black belt and being mentored by the Israeli Mossad’s head psychologist to help entrepreneurs establish a baseline of elite performance and conquer new heights."

I'm a no-fluff, no-BS mindset coach who cares about results. No woo-woo, crystal emotional healing guides here. You're in the right place if you want a logical and proven system to aggressively overcome what's holding you back.

And after helping 100+ 7-9 figure entrepreneurs, CEOs, and investors, it's safe to say my elite performance system gets results.

Could Somebody Else With Your Exact Skillset Be Accomplishing More Than You Currently Are?

Pokey question, right?

What if you met someone with the same skills you have but they were getting better results than you but with less effort? What if there was only one thing standing between you and them? 

Inspired by the Mossad's process to help agents perform under immense prolonged pressure, the Elite Performance System™ now helps ambitious entrepreneurs become elite performers and win big. It doesn't focus on adding more to your plate but on removing the invisible enemy of your success. The one that causes confusion, overwhelm and lack of clarity. Once that's achieved, the results improve while working fewer hours.

Check out the free, Extreme Clarity guide to get started (in less than 2 minutes).

4-Step Way to Know If Your 
Mindset Is Holding You Back

When entrepreneurs struggle with mindset, it feels like they're constantly battling themselves.

What’s Actually Holding You Back?

Take Control of Your Business With

THE ELite PErformance METHOD:

If you've ever tried to depend on motivation only to end up right back where you started, I got news for you...

That's good news.

It means you recognize what your major constraint is. It's not learning a new skill to grow your business, make more money, or grow your network. Instead, it simply means you need help taking action.

But how do we do that when our mindset keeps us playing at a B-level when we have the skills to be at the A-level?

That's exactly what I cover in the Extreme Clarity Exercise.

In this free (and intense) 2 minute exercise...

  • Create Clarity by uncover the #1 action that will move your business forward
  • Remove confusion or overwhelm by differentiating what's important vs not important 
  • Become confident that you're focusing on the right thing

Here's what entrepreneurs have to say about working with me...


"Itamar's coaching was transformative and life-changing. I went in wanting resilience and grit, and it turned out what I needed was some no-bullshit advice and challenging of my beliefs. It's gifted me a quiet, calm confidence that's been life-changing."

Peter Sergeant, Co-Founder
Pearl Careers


"Working with Itamar has been game-changing. He helped identify limiting beliefs I didn't even know I had and helped break them down and overcome them one by one. He helped me gain freedom from my business while at the same time helping it grow to an 8-figure exit!"

Ray Blakney, Founder
Live Lingua & Podcast Hawk

in 1.5 years I went from 10k a month to 3 million a month!

"Mindset coaching with Itamar has been transformative. I was underperforming my true potential, but now have audacious goals, clear waypoints and am on track to achieve them. Quite simply, Itamar is world class at what he does, and an inspirational man to have in your corner."

Scott Phillips, Investor & CEO, Scott Phillips Investing

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