Overcoming Procrastination And Anxiety To Build A Bigger Business | Coaching Series #6

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In this installment of the coaching series Tom and I discuss how he can transition to the new version of his business and the practical steps he needs to take to overcome what currently holds him back from doing that and drains his energy.

Key topics covered:

  • Dealing with Change and Client Reactions
  • Overcoming Procrastination and Anxiety
  • The importance of energy over time
  • Utilizing Experiences as Learning Tools
  • Tactical ways to adjust business operations to better align with personal and professional goals

To learn more about Tom and what he does go to: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tomhine/ 


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00:00:00:01 - 00:00:20:16
Tom Hine
I'm just in the process of going through the price increase and payment structure change with all of my clients. I'm quite obsessed around making sure all the details are like perfectly lined up, you know, making sure that I've got 100% of my plan in place before I start telling people about it. The more I think about, I think delaying on announcing these things and delaying on just getting on with it is just wasted time.

00:00:20:22 - 00:00:22:04
Itamar Marani
Can I offer a different take on that?

00:00:22:04 - 00:00:22:21
Tom Hine
Yes, please.

00:00:22:21 - 00:00:30:21
Itamar Marani
That's called the preemptive suffering. So what do you think is your most valuable resource?

00:00:30:21 - 00:00:32:06
Tom Hine:

00:00:32:08 - 00:00:33:04
Itamar Marani
I disagree. 

00:00:33:04 - 00:00:34:21
Itamar Marani
All right man, lets get to it.

00:00:34:23 - 00:01:01:06
Tom Hine
Yes. I guess my main stuff happening at the moment is I'm just in the process this week of going through the price, my price increase and payment chain structure with payment structure change with all of my clients. So so I'm kind of halfway through going through that with them in person and when I see each time. So reception to that is being better than I expected actually, which is always what you say, which is good.

00:01:01:07 - 00:01:17:16
Tom Hine
So like that has been, it's been a bit, to be honest with you, it's been like the last month. It's been kind of like in my mind, quite a lot like the anxiety behind telling me about it and stuff. But slowly but surely, the more people I tell, the less the less I care about telling people and the more that's going quite well.

00:01:17:18 - 00:01:24:18
Itamar Marani
So first of all, that's great. So what's the lesson to be learned here? Take away from this.

00:01:24:20 - 00:01:53:10
Tom Hine
I think two things. The more I think about I think, first of all, delaying on announcing these things in delaying on just getting on with it is, you know, it's just wasted time. In my opinion, I think that's what I've kind of come to learn is I'm quite obsessed around sort of making sure all the details are like perfectly lined up in case a client asks this or, you know, you know, you know, making sure that I've got 100% of my plan in place before I start telling people about it.

00:01:53:11 - 00:02:14:04
Tom Hine
Whereas actually, to be honest with you, I could have announced this a month ago. I've had I had the plan in my mind. I knew what it was and but it's taken me to this point to sort of commit to telling people about it, whereas I could have done it sooner. So I think, you know, just taking less time, overthinking, I guess, is the ultimate crux of it.

00:02:14:06 - 00:02:17:20
Tom Hine
I think a conclusion that I've come to and.

00:02:17:22 - 00:02:20:08
Itamar Marani
I can offer a different take on that.

00:02:20:10 - 00:02:21:24
Tom Hine
Yeah, there's.

00:02:22:01 - 00:02:45:16
Itamar Marani
The let's call it the preemptive suffering. Yeah. The big thing that to learn something about the uncertain future in this situation, in the future where I feel myself overthinking because I'm afraid that, like, people will react this way, they won't like it. They will see something about me or whatever it may be. You have a data point now that shows that when you felt this way in the past, that has not been the result.

00:02:45:18 - 00:03:01:20
Itamar Marani
And that's a powerful thing to reflect on the next time I feel this thing. Yeah, look back. Oh, last time. That was just my own stuff. That wasn't the reality. And that could start being growing Evidence The next time you feel that uncertainty, you are not comfortable to do it. You can look back and say, Well, this has happened in the past.

00:03:01:20 - 00:03:06:17
Itamar Marani
I remember I felt the exact same thing now, but the outcome that everything was perfectly fine.

00:03:06:19 - 00:03:14:08
Tom Hine
Yeah, yeah, yeah. So I can write it down, use it as a remind myself each time I'm going through something similar.

00:03:14:10 - 00:03:19:10
Itamar Marani
Actually. Yeah. And that's really where it's powerful as a future. It's something for the future.

00:03:19:12 - 00:03:20:03
Tom Hine

00:03:20:05 - 00:03:48:13
Itamar Marani
That's a good one, too. You said there was a lot of wasted time, right? Yeah. So what do you think is your most valuable resource time? I disagree. I kind of person I idea there, but I think it's energy, man. It's like you've expansion of experiences where you're feeling terribly ill. Mm hmm. You have time because you didn't do anything that week cause you call in sick, but you don't do anything in life because of the energy for it.

00:03:48:15 - 00:03:49:22
Tom Hine
Yeah. Yeah.

00:03:49:24 - 00:04:11:13
Itamar Marani
So it's really energy before time and the reality. This is probably sucking up a lot of your energy, a lot of your balance. Yep. Should I do it and not do it? And that's the main lesson to recognize that it took a lot of your energy, unnecessary energy to be on time, energy that you could have devoted to anything from business to just actually time with your family time.

00:04:11:15 - 00:04:12:09
Itamar Marani
So I think.

00:04:12:15 - 00:04:13:21
Tom Hine
It's funny you say that.

00:04:13:23 - 00:04:14:20
Itamar Marani
Go ahead.

00:04:14:22 - 00:04:30:10
Tom Hine
Sorry to interrupt. That's funny you say that, because the second point I was going to make around how I'm feeling at the moment is exactly that. My I just can't get my energy levels right to focus on things I know I need to do. And I think that's a big part of it. It's been sort of eating away at me in my mind the last month.

00:04:30:10 - 00:04:41:14
Tom Hine
And I think you're right. It's not it's not the time, because I've had time to do things just I never have the right energy level to connect. What's it like to get it done?

00:04:41:16 - 00:04:48:18
Itamar Marani
Yeah, and a now that a couple of them have said yes, it's become less of an issue, you all of a sudden you feel like you have more energy throughout the day.

00:04:48:19 - 00:04:52:05
Tom Hine
Yes. Yes. Like a weight lifted. Yes.

00:04:52:07 - 00:05:10:10
Itamar Marani
Yeah. So this is a really this could be a really, really valuable thing to take into the future. And next time I feel this kind of hesitation, I'm overthinking it, whatever it may be. One last time I did that, it was first unnecessary and second had a really big price of not taking action as far as time, energy, all that.

00:05:10:10 - 00:05:25:08
Itamar Marani
Yes. And most importantly, I recognized that it was a price that I didn't actually need to pay. It was a non-issue, so to speak. I think in the future when you feel this thing coming up again, that's the real power because now you have, Oh, that's how I can deal with that. I can reflect the last time I did it.

00:05:25:08 - 00:05:29:15
Itamar Marani
This What happened? This didn't happen. Okay. Yeah, probably another one of those.

00:05:29:17 - 00:05:47:24
Tom Hine
Yeah. Yeah. I was reading a little bit more about it. I don't know if it's a term. I think that the article I read was calling it like anxiety or something. They were saying that basically the time in which, you know, you need to do something to which you actually did it, this whole cost in between is like it's up like I thought I was thinking it's a good time back to you.

00:05:47:24 - 00:05:56:04
Tom Hine
Write up your energy. That's exactly what it does. It just like eats away at you and you don't realize until you actually do it that everything lifts. So that's the.

00:05:56:04 - 00:06:03:08
Itamar Marani
First thing that's like right on that you're doing it. And also great that you have this moving forward. Yeah, the smaller. Yeah.

00:06:03:10 - 00:06:39:07
Tom Hine
Yeah, yeah, yeah. And is definitely moving in the right direction. So it's a good thing. I think the other thing I was struggling with a little bit is my kind of longer term vision around what I'm doing and I guess where, where my business is going. And I think the more I think about it, the more I'm sort of I feel like I remember you said to me before in the arena that you were like, you know, you've got to sort of shift your your identity in a way to like something that's not just like what I'm doing at the moment.

00:06:39:07 - 00:07:00:17
Tom Hine
You've got to think of the person you are in, the kind of in the future. And I'm struggling to kind of bridge this gap between where I am now and what this person looks like in the future. And and particularly related to my my work and what I do, because, you know, traditionally I've always been this. You just does sessions and body transformations, etc., etc..

00:07:00:17 - 00:07:19:01
Tom Hine
But I don't really feel like I've got this sort of I'm struggling to see like the higher and the vision behind like where I could go next with it. I just wondering if you have any sort of tools or things I could do to help me see that or exercises.

00:07:19:03 - 00:07:19:17
Itamar Marani

00:07:19:19 - 00:07:20:24
Tom Hine
So that makes sense.

00:07:21:01 - 00:07:38:06
Itamar Marani
It does. It does. First thing is to clarify, you said I don't know how to bridge that gap. You know, you're not yet at a place where how you bridge the gap. Right now you're just at a place meeting to clarify the vision after you. The vision. That's when you bridge the gap from where I am right now to where I want to be.

00:07:38:08 - 00:07:38:21
Tom Hine

00:07:38:23 - 00:07:56:19
Itamar Marani
And that in of itself could be why it's a bit challenging for you, because a lot of times people get stuck without recognizing it in the how before the one. So how do I dress for what do I want? So let's just right now together forgotten. Okay, What would you want in five years from now and forget about the identity?

00:07:56:19 - 00:08:09:10
Itamar Marani
I'm just this guy. I just do this. Whatever. And that's not true. You've done a lot of things, and yeah, like, I don't know how to break it down, but you're succeeding. And one of the most challenging places in Asia to succeed in Singapore. Financial.

00:08:09:12 - 00:08:10:06
Tom Hine

00:08:10:08 - 00:08:23:20
Itamar Marani
So you're capable? Yeah. Yeah. What would you want this thing to look like if you could have it? What would you want in five years for this business to look like? Is it an online course business? What? What would you want?

00:08:23:22 - 00:08:46:22
Tom Hine
I think it's for me, it's sort of becoming a bit more of an authority figure in the field, like what I'm doing and and in terms of the work I'm doing, it would be 80% online. I mean, sort of remote delivery probably, but with like a still a sort of ten 20% component of doing what I do now.

00:08:46:22 - 00:09:23:23
Tom Hine
But maybe for sort of wealthier clients, for sort of higher level quote unquote, individuals that want to want to use my services. So like I guess, yeah, that actually summarizes it in terms of the work is and then from the family side is that the reason behind that is because I spending more time with my family and freeing up my time to, you know, move away from the typical gym floor stuff that I'm doing over time at the moment.

00:09:24:00 - 00:09:26:02
Tom Hine
And that's clear and.

00:09:26:04 - 00:09:39:17
Itamar Marani
It's pretty clear. No, but it's a clear high level. So let's kind of start breaking that down a little bit. First off, let's discuss why 80% online and ten 20% in person, why that ratio.

00:09:39:19 - 00:10:00:24
Tom Hine
I think that logic is based around the fact that I don't want to completely release the in-person stuff because I feel that actually it helps me quite a lot with the online piece as well. Just having a slight connection to the gym floor still. And with that, these and coaching clients in person helps me keep my skills, which I know will help me for the online piece.

00:10:01:01 - 00:10:01:14
Tom Hine
So that.

00:10:01:14 - 00:10:02:05
Itamar Marani

00:10:02:07 - 00:10:03:19
Tom Hine

00:10:03:21 - 00:10:16:10
Itamar Marani
Is what you're saying here. If I can reflect the fact that you're saying I want to utilize that in person in order to actually build the online stuff, it's just a tool for that. Plus, there's a little bit of cash in it, but it's really a tool for that.

00:10:16:12 - 00:10:20:16
Tom Hine
Yeah, I would. I would say so, yeah. Actually now you say that.

00:10:20:18 - 00:10:36:17
Itamar Marani
Yeah, but that's what I'm kind of hearing from you that I think. Yeah, yeah. So like I this I keep it as the minimum, the minimum necessity in order to keep building the online stuff because it allows me to actually film, record, build the programs out with people, see what it is. All Yeah.

00:10:36:19 - 00:10:38:06
Tom Hine
Exactly that.

00:10:38:08 - 00:10:47:14
Itamar Marani
Right. So first of all, I think that's already we have some clarity on why you're doing it, how much you're going to do of it and all that kind of chess with me. What do you think about that?

00:10:47:16 - 00:11:09:04
Tom Hine
I've never thought it that way around, but when actually speak to say it back to me like that, it's exactly right. It's like maybe I had in my mind I was both parts of equally important, but they're clearly not equally important to me in terms of where I want to go. Yeah, and this is interesting. It makes a lot more sense.

00:11:09:06 - 00:11:24:04
Tom Hine
Yeah, it's almost like I use the part as a tool to tell, to keep, to grow my own line side of things. Right? Yeah. Yeah. I like it.

00:11:24:06 - 00:11:37:08
Itamar Marani
Yeah. And I think you can use it as kind of a it can go back and forth. You can also decide on the future. The only thing you do in person is things for your online community, people that are in part of the courses you do, boot camps for them.

00:11:37:10 - 00:11:37:23
Tom Hine
Yeah, yeah.

00:11:37:23 - 00:11:40:15
Itamar Marani
Singapore for a week or whatever it may be.

00:11:40:17 - 00:12:01:17
Tom Hine
Yes. Yes. Because honestly as well, that is the in-person stuff that completely if I get it the wrong time of day, it just completely knocks my day out. In terms of the energy levels you're talking about, again, like it's just I can feel myself on the gym floor being like, I want to be doing other things right now because I've got all these ideas in my head.

00:12:01:17 - 00:12:08:21
Tom Hine
But what a coach, my clients that can't get away from it. And I'm just like, I feel like a bit of a hang up to it in the way at the moment.

00:12:08:21 - 00:12:18:12
Itamar Marani
Yeah. So what it feel very different when you're on the gym floor. You're like, Oh, okay, this is me actually doing the thing to build the online. You think about that kind of perspective.

00:12:18:14 - 00:12:20:02
Tom Hine

00:12:20:04 - 00:12:21:00
Itamar Marani

00:12:21:02 - 00:12:22:21
Tom Hine

00:12:22:23 - 00:12:28:03
Itamar Marani
So on a tactical level. How would you start doing that? What would that in me?

00:12:28:05 - 00:12:54:14
Tom Hine
And it would mean moving away from that and moving away from physical our government unit law and dedicating those are institution building up the online business is a little bit what was it like I'm not sure I can recall but in any court last week that was I think John mentioned to me, he was like, you need to find the minimum number of hours that you're happy to do on the gym floor.

00:12:54:16 - 00:13:18:07
Tom Hine
You're very minimum, and then you can use the rest of the time to build out the piece that's most important to you. So I think tactically, that's what tactically the slightly higher level. And then like even more tactically than that, I guess it's it's about, you know, reducing my hours physically just saying to clients, I don't have it defined in my schedule and then saying I don't have time to train within those.

00:13:18:09 - 00:13:22:04
Tom Hine
You know, I'm a bit more selective about the people and times I do train you.

00:13:22:06 - 00:13:47:05
Itamar Marani
Okay, Well, beyond that, though, if you were to say I want to make sure that this in person time, I'm leveraging it towards the online stuff in some way, whether it's trying out programs with people that's filming certain content or whatever it may be. How could you utilize this in if you were Nike? Yeah, how would you utilize the in-person time in order to build an online asset?

00:13:47:07 - 00:14:07:09
Tom Hine
Yes. So the way I've thought about it a lot is that I use it. I use the results that I'm able to get with clients in person in the gym already. I use that sort of marketing material that can then build my reputation a bit in the online space, which is my online presence is pretty minimal, to be honest.

00:14:07:11 - 00:14:34:11
Tom Hine
So I think it's that's the way I've always thought about it is like focus on the results or my in-person clients, which I can then get and use that as evidence for the I'm a good trainer, etc., etc., etc.. And then I guess a couple of things you mentioned there. It's like filming, filming content. It's trying out new programs and things that might might resonate with people, my online clients as well.

00:14:34:15 - 00:15:01:24
Tom Hine
And trying to think what else is in it. I also use it a little bit to sort of keep practicing my coaching skills in terms of like the way I do, not the physical coaching, but the more like goal setting pieces that are really important with online, with online clients and that's so they can really think over the moment.

00:15:02:01 - 00:15:17:17
Itamar Marani
Right? So we've got a couple of things here. So first off, I think you just creating content out of that regard by this client. This is how I'm setting their this are setting their goals for them. This is our focus on them and actually controlling that online. That's really powerful and of itself.

00:15:17:19 - 00:15:18:22
Tom Hine
That's okay.

00:15:18:24 - 00:15:40:19
Itamar Marani
Too. I think the thing you're saying, you get results for clients. A lot of people do get results for clients. However, everybody people like different kinds of people. Everybody resonates with somebody. Yes. And I think you share and condemn what you feel, your personality, how it is that you're coaching. Yes. From say, okay, you get results. But also, I like him and I want to work with him.

00:15:40:21 - 00:16:06:07
Itamar Marani
Yeah. What could be interesting is instead of thinking in terms of like what we talked about last week and what John recommended as far as what's the minimum amount of hours, I can work with these people, whatever it may be. One way of thinking about, we're just thinking this is just a cash grab, so to speak. But if you're thinking this is a tool for my online stuff, it's a bit of a different mode of thought about saying what kind of people can I work with that will help me expose this online?

00:16:06:07 - 00:16:26:07
Itamar Marani
So, for example, we want to filter to be do they allow me to film our sessions and put them online? That can be a really big thing. Because imagine if just your online workplace that you have. I know six clients a week and all six of them are clients that allow you to film everything. And then yes, that's really helpful, right?

00:16:26:07 - 00:16:28:09
Itamar Marani
So yeah, see what it is.

00:16:28:11 - 00:16:36:09
Tom Hine
Yeah. But if 90% of them say they don't want me to film stuff, then it's, it's a complete sap on my it's not a good use of that resource. Right.

00:16:36:11 - 00:16:55:10
Itamar Marani
Yeah. I mean that then that just means you're getting just money from it. You're not building the asset. Yeah. And that's fine if you say to clients, just really want to pay me a lot of money and they don't want to be filmed. So if that's what works, that works. But if it's just important to know what you're optimizing around, is it building the asset or just using this as a cash grab speak, which I get a cough drops about?

00:16:55:12 - 00:16:58:12
Tom Hine
Yes, Yes.

00:16:58:14 - 00:17:01:21
Itamar Marani
What do you think about that?

00:17:01:23 - 00:17:20:06
Tom Hine
I think it's a great mindset shift and I think I've not put enough structure behind or effort behind the way I do that in the gym. I do I do film a bit of content and check it online occasionally. There is no structure behind it. And I think if I did that, so it's a bit more targeted with how I did that.

00:17:20:06 - 00:17:24:16
Tom Hine
I think, yeah, I'd be using that time a lot better. Yeah.

00:17:24:18 - 00:17:28:23
Itamar Marani
Well, so let's figure out like a structured way to do that.

00:17:29:00 - 00:17:41:13
Tom Hine
I don't know. I guess I'd have to say at the moment the way I do, is it just, I just feel my clients doing exercises, but it's not. It's a little bit tricky because I can't feel myself involved with it. Right?

00:17:41:15 - 00:17:44:05
Itamar Marani
So why can't you set up like, a selfie, that kind of thing?

00:17:44:06 - 00:18:04:19
Tom Hine
Yeah, I could. I could. I could do like a tripod up or something and film it that way. And also had a, a bit of an idea of like maybe getting a videographer into the gym, unlike a quiet day and just running through a few sessions with with some clients for, you know, just quick sessions and getting them to film a bit like that.

00:18:04:22 - 00:18:24:01
Itamar Marani
So as far as like batching and I say sometimes you feel distracted. Yeah. Imagine a situation like what if you could get it so that you have all your in-person clients day of the week and that one week you also have a videographer there. Then the rest of the week you have the bandwidth to just do the rest of the online stuff.

00:18:24:03 - 00:18:28:18
Itamar Marani
But even then, one day of the week, you're actually doing the online, you're doing the content creation.

00:18:28:20 - 00:18:29:06
Tom Hine

00:18:29:06 - 00:18:30:19
Itamar Marani
Through the piece.

00:18:30:21 - 00:18:37:12
Tom Hine
Yes. It's a really good idea. And just focusing it all at once, right? Yeah.

00:18:37:14 - 00:18:58:09
Itamar Marani
Yeah. You just know that day that because of what I'm hearing from you a lot, that you feel the sense of frustration that I want to do this thing, but I'm doing this thing now. I'm kind of all over the place. I've been going out here now or there. Yeah, I think having that making that decision that just on Tuesdays, that's T and and content day.

00:18:58:11 - 00:19:15:10
Itamar Marani
Yeah it'll give you the peace of mind on Tuesday. Say okay this is where I'm not wasting my time, I'm actually creating content and I recognize that for that day that's all I'm doing. And this is the day very well spent. It's about making me some upfront cash and creating content. This is a great day, well spent, and it won't cause that kind of agitation.

00:19:15:10 - 00:19:18:02
Itamar Marani
It's also causing more wasted energy.

00:19:18:04 - 00:19:49:06
Tom Hine
Yes. Yeah. Yes, I like that. And keep the total shift in it. It's just a total shift in the way I think about my on my in-person clients. I think that whole idea of them as like we're not the clients, but the idea of training people in person, it makes it much more like it takes it takes away from it being like something that's taking away from what I want to do.

00:19:49:06 - 00:19:56:17
Tom Hine
And actually adding to it right is a complete this is saying the same thing essentially, but just a totally different way of flipping it.

00:19:56:19 - 00:20:04:24
Itamar Marani
Yeah, because you're utilizing it now for your asset. It's not something you have to do along the way until you build this thing. It's actually something that it helps you build this thing right now.

00:20:05:00 - 00:20:09:07
Tom Hine
Yeah, yeah, I love it. Yeah.

00:20:09:09 - 00:20:20:17
Itamar Marani
Thank you. Do you think And also, how would well, how would the path look like? Is it be just talking to your clients and telling them this is how it's going to be? Or how would that.

00:20:20:19 - 00:20:41:11
Tom Hine
Look like in terms of implementing like a tactic like that, Correct. Yeah, I think yeah, I would just run it, run it by them and I know people it would work best with. I know the people that would display best fit online and most of them just thinking in my head now would be fine. But I think it would just be a question of informing them.

00:20:41:13 - 00:20:42:15
Tom Hine
Then they're okay with it.

00:20:42:17 - 00:20:45:13
Itamar Marani
Yeah. Yeah, right. And again, not too.

00:20:45:13 - 00:20:55:00
Tom Hine
Many obstacles that the only obstacle I'm thinking of in my head is just the gym. Whether or not they do allow me to, to do to film to that degree each week where I can check them.

00:20:55:02 - 00:21:12:03
Itamar Marani
You can check out and also you can always offer you can always understand people's incentives, whether it's the gym and you say, Guys, I'm going to promote the gym as well here, like I said, incentive, whether it's the clients that some of them better guys offer you a sweetener well out of like we'll give you a free session because honestly, it is a win for you.

00:21:12:04 - 00:21:24:01
Itamar Marani
You can make it a win for them. Yeah. The people that are doing this, they're also going to get a free session once, blah, blah, blah. We're like this, this, or whatever it may be. And find a way where you're saying, Guys, we're going to make this a win win.

00:21:24:03 - 00:21:29:02
Tom Hine
Yes. Yes. It's a good point.

00:21:29:04 - 00:21:35:04
Itamar Marani
Yeah. And would it be easy to find a videographer and I just don't know the local market in Singapore, how that is.

00:21:35:08 - 00:21:45:20
Tom Hine
Yeah, I know a couple of them. I know at least a couple of trainers of used a couple of videographers. So I can definitely I haven't got to the point of researching it yet, but like Right. There'll be like there'll be loads around. Yeah.

00:21:45:22 - 00:21:47:13
Itamar Marani
Right. Okay. That sounds very doable.

00:21:47:16 - 00:21:49:14
Tom Hine
Yeah. Yeah. I like this.

00:21:49:16 - 00:22:02:18
Itamar Marani
This is great. I think this is a really like within like 25 minutes we've got very clear on how we can make sure that it's not two separate businesses, but it's actually fit into the main thing.

00:22:02:20 - 00:22:04:21
Tom Hine

00:22:04:23 - 00:22:05:15
Itamar Marani
And I think this is.

00:22:05:15 - 00:22:08:09
Tom Hine
Exactly why I can't do without you in my corner.

00:22:08:11 - 00:22:12:06
Itamar Marani
You to see every minute of it. Yeah.

00:22:12:07 - 00:22:15:20
Tom Hine
No, for sure. And every time I speak, something comes up, right?

00:22:15:22 - 00:22:30:04
Itamar Marani
Yeah. But I think this is a way to get there in, like a year, not a year. I don't think this is the way to get there in, like, a month after sorting all this out and all of a sudden, this is the big thing and this is a structure where starts getting you moving. You forward and forward and forward.

00:22:30:06 - 00:22:37:20
Tom Hine
Yes. Thank you. But to work on that, that's great.

00:22:37:22 - 00:22:43:06
Itamar Marani
Yeah. Do you have any other questions or if you just kind of nail this in 25.

00:22:43:08 - 00:23:07:04
Tom Hine
No, that's that's that's great. Yeah. It was just. No, I didn't have any questions. I was just trying to work out that longer term vision and how it could align with it. I think I need to do more work in the background myself any way around clarifying what that longer term vision looks like. And I have it have it kind of hazy in my head, but not maybe not detailed enough, maybe not described enough, written down and reluctant.

00:23:07:06 - 00:23:18:24
Tom Hine
So I need to do a bit more work on that. The online pieces, It is a huge part of it, which we just discussed, which I think and is what I'm trying to move like, at least in the immediate sense.

00:23:19:01 - 00:23:23:16
Itamar Marani
Okay. Right. So what are your main takeaways from today.

00:23:23:18 - 00:23:44:11
Tom Hine
And just that mindset switch that you've just described to me around the PC is that it's really been draining me thinking about it because it always feels like it's detracting from what I really want to do. So the clarity around that and the mindset shift around using it as a tool rather than it being a burden on me, I'd say that's the biggest takeaway.

00:23:44:13 - 00:24:03:01
Tom Hine
And then the energy piece that you mentioned at the start as well, which is huge. I mean, the fact that the difficult decisions and the difficult steps you need to take are often the things that are clear that give you that energy back once you've done. Yeah.

00:24:03:02 - 00:24:24:13
Itamar Marani
So yeah, yeah. So I think those are mine as well. And what I would add on to that is just kind of a mental model that if I feel that my energy starting to get drained, I'm trying to get frustrated. So that's something that I need to stop and ask why this is the big thing, because I feel like probably unlocking this mark, right?

00:24:24:13 - 00:24:46:16
Itamar Marani
Recognizing why this is going on. You are aware that you're kind of getting agitated about the piece or that, yes, you're feeling a bit tired and you have this pricing thing, right. If I feel that that's a trigger for you too static or can you just take a step back? Not a trigger. Sorry, a tripwire. If I feel this kind of energy, stop or this kind of agitation, then I step back and recognize, okay, what's going on here?

00:24:46:18 - 00:24:56:18
Itamar Marani
And if it's just me delaying because of possible unpleasant feelings, then recognize that me delaying is going to give me guaranteed unpleasant. Yes.

00:24:56:20 - 00:25:13:11
Tom Hine
You know, hundred percent. And actually, this month I've been feeling like this sort of anxiety building. I know why it is now. Actually, I was just defaulting to the fact that it was like, oh, because my mother in law was in town and because, you know, I've got baby who can't sleep properly. You know, you just default and you think you blame it on all that stuff.

00:25:13:11 - 00:25:27:04
Tom Hine
Actually. And I it was this it was this whole, this pricing thing that was really, really the burden on me. And I just got rid of that. That would have played us so much more energy. I'd never really stepped back to think of it that way.

00:25:27:06 - 00:25:29:03
Itamar Marani
Yeah. So.

00:25:29:05 - 00:25:30:03
Tom Hine
Yeah, Thank you.

00:25:30:05 - 00:25:31:20
Itamar Marani
All right, Anything else? So we call it.

00:25:31:20 - 00:25:33:06
Tom Hine
A sleep out, but no, that's great, man.

00:25:33:06 - 00:25:34:11
Itamar Marani
All right. I appreciate.

00:25:34:11 - 00:25:35:16
Tom Hine
It. Thanks a lot. Take a.


Itamar Marani

Itamar is Israeli ex-special forces, a former undercover agent, BJJ black belt, mindset expert and international speaker.

He’s helped hundreds of 6-8 figure entrepreneurs conquer their minds and transform themselves and their business through his coaching programs.