People focus on “Being in the present and living in the ‘now.” yet they’re miserable.
Instead of feeling more at peace, there’s a sense of anxiety, frustration and stress.
Why is that?
“Living in the now” usually leads to a surface-level depth of happiness but leaves an underlying feeling of confusion and lack of fulfillment.

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“I’m stuck and not sure why..”
“I know what I should be doing, but I’m not doing it.”
“I’ve been procrastinating on this for a while now…”
“I’m underperforming, and I’m not sure why. I should be achieving more.”
Real mindset work is about getting to a result. It’s not about making people feel better in the moment.

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Therapy was meant to heal trauma; the problem is that most entrepreneurs are using it to try to achieve their goals.

It’s like if someone wants to put on muscle mass, but all they know about adding muscle is that they need to exercise… so they go out for a run.

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An unpopular or unsexy truth is that biohacking creates mental fragility.
Hear me out, pretty much all optimizations end up becoming a dependency. Our fridges, our cars, our phones…
Now the actual upside that cars, phones, fridges, etc provide in our lives makes it valid to say, “I’m okay being dependent on these things because they provide such an upgrade to my life.”

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In 2010 I was stationed abroad on behalf of my country’s government working undercover counter terrorism. When living somewhere as an undercover agent you’re not expected not to have a life. There are certain guidelines and boundaries that are meant to keep you safe and allow you to still create loose connections and enjoy life

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