"I honestly believe I would never have experienced a genuinely happy day of my life had I not started working with you."
The first time I saw Ian he was giving a powerful keynote at a conference and we met at a mastermind I ran during Covid.
On the outside Ian was crushing it… 7 figure business, nailed in a productized service and was well respected by his fellow entrepreneurs
But he kept getting in his own way. He felt like it was self sabotage :
"I've had multiple businesses over the last 20 years, I kind of do really well in the beginning, I smash doors down, I get things going, I make things happen.
And then I achieve a certain amount of success and even breakthrough success. And somehow everything stops at some point until in the end, I'm sacrificing everything including my health, sanity, and still not feeling like the threats going away."
So we got to work.
Not on his business, or his business skills, but on him.
On figuring out why someone as capable as him would put glass ceilings on his success and stop himself from being able to reap what he worked towards and earned.
"I wasn't aware that I was behaving in ways that would sabotage the business. I just knew that for some reason, things would stop making progress.
There's something out there that I'm doing or allowing into my life or allowing into my business, that means I know I'm not reaching my maximum potential."
There's a weird thing that happens when people have a tough past or upbringing. Often what they say to themselves that they want, isn't what they truly want. It's just what they hope could resolve an internal insecurity that they have.
Ian was having a hard time letting go of that insecurity. Instead of optimizing for what he really wanted, without recognizing it he was living to try to prove something to "a voice on the shoulder."
But once we were able to resolve and free him from that subconscious insecurity everything started to change.
"You know, the profits are more than 200. And this is profits we're talking about not, not top line revenue, top line revenues just keeps going up.
I honestly believe I would never have experienced a genuinely happy day of my life had I not started working here, I have my first ever happy days age 56. Now, as a result of working together."
Why was Ian able to have this transformation?
Because he was ready. He made a decision that it was time. It was time to choose courage, uncover his blocks and overcome them.
And the results quickly followed:
- "To say that we've had record month after record month since is an understatement. "
- "Being able to take those profits (200k), you can only make profit like that when you give yourself permission to and now the freedom to make decisions on what's right for the things that I feel are important are present front of mind and win all the time."
- "The number of dialogues I have with that person on my shoulder is down to almost zero which really is phenomenal."
In Ian's words:
"Having someone who's really professional, who really cares about the outcome for you, who is not going to just placate you and fill you with crap to make you feel good for 20 minutes to come in and just shine a light in those blind spots... You do the work with Itamar... What you can achieve is beyond anything you could have originally imagined and you can't imagine it because the blind spots are limiting your imagination.
Do your team a favor and start working with Itamar. Because I can tell you they can feel the difference. It's just warp speed difference completely. It's what's on the other side is the freedom to grow a business really well. You will just start making decisions and start making money very very, very quickly. Don't even try and get to the top without doing this."
How to Take Action Now (And Overcome Self Sabotage to go BIG)
It’s simple:
- Make a decision. When is enough enough?
- Decide exactly when you’ll stop getting in your own way and act on it.
Who Dares Wins,