The podcast is growing and first off I want to say thank you. Thank you for downloading and trusting me with your time and attention. Our goal is always to give the most helpful tools in as concise a manner as possible and we want to share these tools with more entrepreneurs and high achievers.
Who’s the one person you should crave respect from? What does failure mean about you? Is discomfort a valid sign or a part of the journey? In today’s episode Itamar and Dr. Emil summarize the main lessons from the Arena Mindset Accelerator cohort that wrapped up in Q4 of 2022. They share the 4 main
Why do we not do the simple things that we know will lead us to success? In today’s episode Itamar shares a recent experience of his. How he recognized an insecurity was pulling him to act in ways that didn’t serve him or his business. Itamar and Dr. Emil cover: 1) How to spot the
Will your new year’s resolution actually make it easier for you to succeed or will it make it more difficult?Will it create a smoother environment that will result in “an upward spiral” or will it end up creating more friction to an already maxed out s…
A follow up to the previous podcast. Itamar and Dr. Emil go more in depth on 2 main issues: 1) The Recruiting Method that is a prerequisite to having tough yet productive conversations. 2) The difference between you being rude or standing up to someone else who isn’t being considerate. Subscribe: Connect with Itamar:
Have you ever noticed how people start acting like kids when they visit their family? Even the best of us can revert back to old thought patterns, behaviors and even identities. In this holiday-relevant episode Itamar and Dr. Emil discuss this important topic. How to enjoy your family holiday without having a mindset regression.
Have you ever noticed how people start acting like kids when they visit their family? Even the best of us can revert back to old thought patterns, behaviors and even identities. In this holiday-relevant episode Itamar and Dr.
Often the difference between having an argument instead of a tough yet productive conversation comes down to two things. Clarity and permission. It’s about you first getting clear on what you actually want in life and then giving yourself permission to speak up instead of holding things in, letting them pent up and priming yourself
Often the difference between having an argument instead of a tough yet productive conversation comes down to two things. Clarity and permission.It’s about you first getting clear on what you actually want in life and then giving yourself permission to …
“Mindset is fluffy. It doesn’t really work.. Mindset programs have left me feeling pumped for a bit but then it fades and then it’s back to square one…” In this episode Itamar and Dr. Emil cover what the difference is between good and bad mindset programs, and how to spot and avoid the bad ones.