Julian had a 7 figure SEO company but he was in his words “doing too much, being burnt out and not being efficient”. He joins today’s podcast to share the 2 main levers that allowed him to grow revenue and profit in his company while reducing staff and creating a more calm and focused environment.
“Is this the logical thing to do or is this me resorting to what’s comfortable again?” Realizing that we’ve been playing small can light a fire in us to go big… To take our life and business to the next level. But we have to make sure that we control the flame and that emotional
Sherry Walling, joins us to talk about grief, managing stress and her new book “Touching Two Worlds”. Sherry warns against common pitfalls around loss to be cautious of. Things such as building an identity around losses and feeling entitled to certain behaviors or privileges because of them. We also cover acute vs chronic stress and
Does beating yourself up to go harder get you better results? In today’s podcast John Ainsworth, an Arena Alumni, joins us to share the steps he took to understand and then let go of the chip on his shoulder and how that’s created 4 consecutive record breaking months. We talk about distorted views of reality,
Max Hertan, a former 1:1 client of Itamar’s joins us for today’s episode. He touches on his journey to building an 8 figure agency, but we really dive into the meatier and more personal aspects of life and growth. Why some avoid it, why some don’t accept a part of the process and why external
“What will others think?… What does this say about me?… And does this mean I’m a failure?” Sometimes we know that the effective long term thing to do will require us to take a momentary dip. But we resist leaning into it because of fears around what others will think and what we’ll think of
Are you going about creating clarity from the outside in or from the inside out? In today’s episode Itamar and Dr. Emil breakdown the most common mistake that stops entrepreneurs from getting clarity on what they truly want. They cover: How to avoid mimetic desire Internal feelings vs. External accomplishments and goal The powerful “announcement”
Is the reason you’re not taking action a valid logical concern or simply an emotional worry? In today’s episode Itamar shares the Mindset framework he uses to help clients figure out the most effective path to achieve what they want and have the confidence to action the plan. Key points covered: The 2 questions that
When you boil it down, mindset is an access issue. Usually, optimizing for external approval causes us to live in fear and play small. I.e. we only access a bit of our potential. In today’s podcast, we cover a case study of Dave, a client of Itamar who had a fear of judgment and abandonment
“It was the ugliest, scariest and ultimately the biggest and most rewarding work of my life” In today’s episode Ian Horley, a client of Itamar’s joins the podcast to share his transformation on how both his personal life and business have skyrocketed. He opens the kimono and shares his 7 step roadmap on how he