Will your new year’s resolution actually make it easier for you to succeed or will it make it more difficult?
Will it create a smoother environment that will result in “an upward spiral” or will it end up creating more friction to an already maxed out system?
In today’s episode Itamar and Dr. Emil cover what to do to actually create a new you in 2023. How to avoid failure as your new year’s motivation inevitably fades.
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Itamar Marani 0:00
New year new me, right? We've all heard this. But the reality is that what most people figure out after a month or so is that it's a new year, but it's actually the same them, and they tried to add something, and it didn't really work. So what we want to talk about today is how you can actually change the you. And instead of adding new year's resolutions actually be subtracting things. So you can have a more functional operating system and just a smooth internal environment, so you can more likely achieve what you actually want to achieve this year. So Happy New Year's guys, but we're gonna get serious, we're actually gonna talk about what actually enables change in this new year for you. So with that said, Welcome, Dr. Emil.
Dr. Emil 0:36
Thank you, thank you. This is one of my favorites concepts. So looking forward to this one.
Itamar Marani 0:41
Cool. So here's the deal. I'm also saying it's one of his favorite concepts. Module Five, in the arena mindset, it's all here is based around this. This philosophy, this concept of addition, by subtraction, and a lot of the alumni hates their favorite, because what they realize afterwards, like, oh, I kept trying to do more new things, more this and more that more goals, more habits more, whatever. And I never actually took the time to strip away what was stopping me from being able to do that in the first place. A lot of times when we set goals, they're actually not that difficult to achieve in a vacuum, but when we already have so much other stuff going on, it is extremely difficult to achieve it. Most people operate. If you imagine a computer with 1000, tabs open. That's why everything works so slowly, why they're able to achieve what you want to achieve. And when they want to do something new. They're like, Okay, let me open up one more tab. And let me split my focus even more. And what we're going to be talking about today is how you can really start closing down tabs and why that is so difficult, and why most people avoid that. But how you can actually do it. Mill, anything you want to say before we get going, then let's get
Dr. Emil 1:47
stuck in let's get stuck in that line that you said about people wanting to achieve new goals, and then just having too much other stuff going on that that crystallized and distilled the point down to a tee. So yeah,
Itamar Marani 1:59
yeah. So here's the deal. If you're trying to add more stuff, to a system that is already, let's call on the cost, there's already a lot of friction there, it's already at the edge of what it can handle yourself. You're just creating more friction. It's not the intelligent thing to do. If let's say if you want to make a car go faster, maybe you can also reduce the weight instead of just trying to add more power if it's a really heavy car, in Formula One. That's the whole thesis always, like how can we remove more and more and more more weight? How can we remove Remove, remove Remove, there's a quote by Colin Chapman who's the founder of the f1 team and Lotus he says to add speed, add lightness, adding power makes you faster on the straights, subtracting weight makes you faster everywhere. And that's what I see that a lot of people find is that when they subtract certain things from your life, and we're gonna get to what this is, everything just becomes easier. Making decisions is so much easier because there's so much less things involved, oh, I'm not involved with this thing anymore with that person anymore with this commitment anymore. Clarity, all of a sudden comes from that vacuum, not from doing more things, but actually from creating a vacuum, things become really simple. Go for
Dr. Emil 3:12
clarity comes from that vacuum, but also you need clarity to decide what to get rid of.
Itamar Marani 3:20
Yes and no. So I think it's kind of like a chicken and egg thing. Yeah, where some things yes, you do need clarity. But some things are also obvious. You know them already. There are certain bad things that Whatsapp group that you're a part of just drains your energy. And everybody there sucks, like, get out of it. Yeah, hanging out with that first day of school from the person you met back in your first day of school, but your life and his life in a completely different place. And you're not really contributing to him and he's not really contributing to you, but you're still doing it out of habit. Yearning, super clarity to recognize that's not serving anymore.
Dr. Emil 3:52
Is it habit? Or is it some sort of scarcity or people pleasing or something else? And this is because I had moments of addition through subtraction in the last, you know, 12 months, 18 months. And so for me, it wasn't just habit. That's why I bring it up.
Itamar Marani 4:09
I think what you said there at the end is great. It's not just happened. I think first it happens from habit just not being aware of it. You're just doing it on autopilot. And then it's also recognizing, okay, this might be a bit tough for me to break. But first for most people, I do think it's just habit, something they're not conscious of. It's either they're conscious of it. I know I need to break this, but I'm having difficulty.
Dr. Emil 4:31
It's habit which comes from something else, such as people pleasing, or which it might not be rains,
Itamar Marani 4:37
it might just be an automatic behavior that every Thursday we meet for, for a beer or whatever it may be for the last 10 years. Or I'm in this Whatsapp group for the last five years. I'm just not aware of it. It doesn't I think a lot of it isn't from a place of let's call it internal weakness. It could be just a lack of mindfulness, lack of awareness.
Dr. Emil 5:00
And then I hear you, but I think that's the low level stuff. I think that's the stuff that will be very easy to get rid of. And then yes, you get to the next level of stuff, which is doing it due to, you know, weakness or whatever. So, you know,
Itamar Marani 5:13
yeah, I agree with you. But the beautiful thing is, from what I've seen that a lot of times people have this lower level stuff that actually is very impactful. Interesting, but ago, I never thought about this, that I should just not do this thing anymore. And, okay, it's actually not that difficult to stop doing it. And once I actually stopped doing it, wow, I have so much more time, more energy, more focus. And that's the that's the most amazing thing, when you do something that doesn't take a lot of effort, but gives you a massive impact. That's ROI. That's all ROI is really. Yeah. So I do think the first thing is bringing awareness to these things. And then if you're still reluctant to give them up, you go through that process. So with that said, so we go running. All right. So first off, with the New Years, you're trying to make a resolution about what to do get your life to the next level. Resist the temptation to say, I'm going to add this, I'm going to start doing this. Instead, ask yourself, what is actually hindering my life from going to the next level? What is the weight that is holding me back? For example, instead of saying a goal, I want to get in shape, I'm gonna go to the gym, instead of a meal, I'm sure you can get better inside of this from your house perspective, say what your day stopped doing. Make that a resolution to your code. I'm going to stop doing this. I'm going to remove this temptation from my life. Go for it. I would love to hear your perspective on this man, especially on health. It's such a clear subject.
Dr. Emil 6:47
Yeah, I mean, I could go in unhealth for the whole hour. Yeah, there's so many things that people can get rid of. I mean, the core mistake is that people try to do everything in one go. And this is a core reason or issue with New Year's in general, you know, people already have their plates full, they try to add more stuff. And not only more stuff, but all this stuff. It's like, these are my goals. And I'm going to do the 17 habits on Monday morning or Tuesday with a hangover on the first of January, let's go. And then No shit, it doesn't survive the first week. So yeah, it's a combination of removing a lot of bullshit. So then free up bandwidth to start implementing core key fundamental high impact habits. Like
Itamar Marani 7:34
sorry, guys just jump in.
Dr. Emil 7:36
Yeah, of course,
Itamar Marani 7:37
I feel again, from my experience, seeing a lot of people go through this, it's, it's actually much simpler some time, it's not that you free this up, and then you have the space to really think and to really do these really productive things. What I've seen a lot of times is this is when people take out all the crud on the bullshit, like you said, by default, better thing is just happened. It's not even that requires so much effort that there's this phase one of removing phase two of okay, this is a bit of a base, we have to figure things out. And then phase three positive, a lot of them literally just to remove something negative, and all of a sudden things just start percolating on the road.
Dr. Emil 8:13
I agree with that. I agree with that. Yeah. And the other thing that happens, particularly with health, but in life in general, is that you spiral in a positive way. So as you start to remove ballast, as you start to remove credit and bullshit, you start to become buoyant and spiral in a positive way. So yes, the more crap you remove, you can add positives, but inevitably, you'll start taking off.
Itamar Marani 8:40
Yeah, and I think, again, we're trying to harp on this. If you try to add positive, you're just trying to push harder against resistance. And this resistance of the internal stuff, external stuff in your environment, whatever it may be. And what we're saying is, I am absolutely a fan of tapping into there's a lot of energy in New Years, everybody has resolutions, tap into that energy, by all means do so. But say, actually, what am I going to focus on removing? That's going to be where I put my energy to, because that's gonna be the sustainable thing. Because if I can, for example, remove this bad thing that doesn't serve me for life. Whoo, that's amazing. I don't even have to be clear on what I want her saying people need clarity. You don't even have to be clear on what you want. But if you just remove this bad thing, it's gonna be a positive no way around.
Dr. Emil 9:24
I mean, alcohol is a great example for health and for life. Let's be honest, like you remove that, you know, especially if it's more than, say once a week and see the light will improve across the board in every area. Yeah, like that.
Itamar Marani 9:38
Yeah, we have one guy in the arena. Now he was talking about how he's, he's had a bit of a struggle like he knows he needs to give this up, but he's struggling with it. And we had another guy's a call. I just gave it up six months ago, and I feel amazing. Like he's amazing. And I said this to that like I've never heard somebody say like they get off drinking a lot of alcohol or smoking weed. And they get mad I really need to get back to smoking weed drink alcohol, my life was so much better that I've never heard that. I've never heard anyone say that. So that's one thing, but kind of going back to this. So here's what I want to do, I want to do this a bit of a workshop. So if you guys want to take notes on your phone, on your computer, whatever, we're also going to have some prompts for you in, we're gonna have a link for these prompts in the show notes below. So here's a question you got to ask yourself for this next year. What do I have to stop doing? In order to make room for what I need to start doing? It's very different than just asking you Oh, what should my goals do? What should I add? What do I have to stop doing in order to make room for what I need to start doing? And the beautiful setting, the beautiful thing is, even if you don't know exactly what you need to start doing, you probably know what you need to stop doing. Like Emil was saying the alcohol or watching a lot of television, whatever it may be, you know, the things we all know these things are not serving us. So any questions on your enemies or anything you want to add before we just kind of like start listing things out?
Dr. Emil 11:06
Going to bed late is another homerun? Yeah, across the board life and everything. Yeah.
Itamar Marani 11:14
Alright, so here's how we're going to do this, we're gonna first talk about what are the things you actually need to do? And then I'm gonna go over some common mistakes, I see that stop people from actually doing this and kind of fears and all that kind of jazz, and we're gonna get to it. Okay, so on you not? Yeah, let's do it in that order. Okay. So first off on a personal level, a list of three kind of prompts you could run yourself through, or what happens during the start chatting. For example, endlessly sitting in front of the TV late at night, like a meal, say, What excuses then you like go, Oh, I'm not good at this. Oh, this is just how it is. Oh, I'll never get this or that. What kind of excuses give me like go up. What kind of social commitments do to shed. And these could be things that are macro. As far as, as this person I keep hanging out with that we have like I started Thursday dinner or whatever it may be. And that's something you need to stop doing. Or it could even be exiting from group chats. One of the guys I think in the second ever arena, it was interesting. That was one of his biggest takeaways. He was in a group chat. It was a whatsapp chat with people that he had known for. I think for 10 years, they all started business together. And he was saying, man, like every time I see that WhatsApp chat, it just drags me down. These people are not people I'm proud to be associated with anymore. They're not they haven't lifted themselves up from both business perspective, values, perspective, family perspective, everything. And he's like, I don't even know why I'm there anymore. And that sort of thing is just that awareness. And he soon as he got out of that he was granted so much more freed, freed so much time and bandwidth from you didn't have any issues you just need to be aware of maybe this Sunday should cut up, take a step back, assess, and so on. So we got that. Now, on top of that other specific people are the people who say, You know what, this is not a fit anymore. This person is not a fit for what I want in my life. From a values perspective, from a trajectory perspective, from everything, this is not a fit.
Dr. Emil 13:27
And just the points on that one that can both be turning the volume down, and also a transience dissociation rather than a total cutting out of I don't know, Itamar was just say just cut them out. But no, I want. I know we have. So there's, there's shades of gray with that one, because that's a hard one.
Itamar Marani 13:48
So I knew this was a hard one. That's what I was just about to say. So here's what I've found that helps people do this. Embracing humility. Now, here's the deal. You are not Superman, you cannot put everyone on your back. And you can take everyone up the mountain with you, especially if they don't want to get brought up. And a big part of it is recognizing from a, from a utility standpoint, first off, I can't bring everybody on my back. I can't do this. So me saying this doesn't mean that I'm a bad person. I'm not saying I'm above you, you're beneath me. It is what it is. It's like I have my own limitations as well. I can't carry everybody up with me, and especially if they don't want to come. And it's not that I'm being condescending, I'm just being realistic. Saying from a humble perspective, I can't do all that I can achieve what I want to achieve for myself, my family and the people that are trying to do this with me. If I'm also doing this on the side, my focus is here on this person who doesn't want to help himself. And for me, looking at from a place of humility, it really helped me because I recognize I'm not being an asshole. I'm not being condescending. I'm just being Be realistic, and understanding my own limitations, limited my capacities and abilities. And for me that was like, Oh, that's a harsh truth. That came from a humble perspective, I can't do all that. And me, like you were saying shades of great for a lot of people, I found that it's helpful to think, also, it can be just for now, I can let go of this person in my life for now. And maybe again, from a utility standpoint, when I'm in a better place, where I have more energy, more capacity, whatever it may be, I can help them come along as well. But right now from where I am, I can't do it. It's not going to work. And having that kind of honest humility with yourself. It's very freeing.
Dr. Emil 15:44
My example for that is my parents when I was leaving medicine to start business, they were loving, but they it was just blowing their minds, this made no sense to them. And they were, Hey, make sure that you still have a CV, make sure you're updating it, you know, when are you going to go back to being a doctor, all this kind of stuff, and from a loving place from their own fears. And I was like, I need six months of space. And I didn't speak to them for six months, kept them at arm's length, to then allow me to rise to where I want it to be to then allow me to have a much better relationship with them now.
Itamar Marani 16:20
Yeah, that's great, man. So I think that's the big thing with the people is, first off, recognizing that you're coming at it from a sense of humility, realistic humility, you can put everyone in your back, it's not that you're just kind of sending think you're better than just a reality of it. And it doesn't have to be forever. You're gonna say for now, it's just not possible, it doesn't fit. Again, I'm not judging, I'm just saying this is what it is. So that's people. The next thing you got to think about is behavior, or character traits you embody. Which one of these do you need to let go of character traits, jealousy, behavior, getting really defensive. Or thinking the worst of people. Or for some people, it's also thinking always, always, always the best of people, and not being realistic about the life. On top of that, we got stories, what stories you need to stop telling yourself these are a lot of times the belief structures that people hold that, oh, if I do this, then this is going to be the consequence. Everyone in the world just wants this or that. And finally, the identity. This is a big one. The one that annoys me the most, is when people say I'm an introvert, we hold on to that identity is an excuse for them to not do the things that will actually serve them. Maybe you're an introvert. But that doesn't actually help you. If you go into a conference and you network with people that's going to get your business to the next level. If you integrate joint ventures or whatever it may be. That identity can be an excuse me, I guess it's more difficult for me because I'm naturally more introverted. But you're just holding on to that identities. And opposite is an absolute thing and just saying, Oh, I'm an introvert. So I can't do this thing that you got to share. Because again, this is an example if, for example, you shed that identity and stop using it as an excuse, even if you didn't know how to apply it exactly. something good will come out of that back. You putting yourself out there you connecting with more people, whatever it may be, and again, not on a business level, social level, personal level, everything. So that's on the personal level. You have any questions about that? Or anything you want to run by?
Dr. Emil 18:38
No, the the introvert identity was a big one for me, personally, related to public speaking and socializing, interacting. I can go into examples for that one. The other one is with the first one that you said with say watching TV mindlessly, just to expand that to distractions in general, especially ones you you know about a very obvious whether it's alcohol, video games, dating drugs, sex TV, whatever it is, like that's, especially when you know, it's used as a distraction, and just a point, all those things can be fine. But if they've been very intentional, yeah, exactly. But they're very easy to use as, as distractions. Eating food is another one. So just being aware of that and yeah,
Itamar Marani 19:31
yeah, so I'll say on a personal example, it's you also don't want to put these these things if they're easy to be they're easy to distract James clear set of very well is like make a habit easy for you by making it really available. The same thing vice versa. So for example, we just don't have a TV in our house. We never have any alcohol in the fridge. We don't have any, like chips or dips or like any kind of candy or whatever in the house. Atum material has like these little like baby healthy crackers. But that's basically it. And these are just things that it's easier for us to be healthy and to live the kind of life we want. Because we're just in a vacuum of good stuff, the bad stuff just isn't there. And if every once in a while we do want to have a drink, we're very intentional about it. So we go out to a super nice place. We do that there. If we want to watch a nice movie, we go out to the movie theaters, we do that there. We don't get sucked into these things.
Dr. Emil 20:25
And just a flag there. A lot of people will be thinking, wow, that sounds boring as shit. Now, I don't know. No, no. And I agree with you. I'm gonna I'm gonna counter that. And what I will say is that's a very knee jerk defensive reaction, because a lot of those things that you describe are not consumed intentionally. They're consumed mindlessly as a distraction. So yes, when they're available, they're the thing you do when you feel a bit uncomfortable and don't want to feel an emotion. Instead, you put on Netflix, you eat some food, you drink some alcohol, or you go on social media.
Itamar Marani 21:00
You didn't. I think that's sometimes it. That's like the worst case scenario. But I think sometimes you're just trying to avoid an emotion or whatever, you're just a bit tired from the day. So that's what you get sucked into, because it's just there. It's available. For example, that identity of me being an insurer, it's available. Yeah, that but I think it's more insidious than that Whatsapp group. I think, again, I think at times, yes, I agree with you. But I think for a lot of people, it's not even that deep. It's either they have this this such big issues that they unpack through this thing. Sometimes it's just, they're not intentional about this, you're not aware that this is what they're getting sucked into.
Dr. Emil 21:37
I think it's deeper. And I'll tell you why. Because you're busy all day, right? And then at the end, you're tired. And all of a sudden, that's when all the stuff you've been distracting from with work can can come up and you're like, Hell,
Itamar Marani 21:51
no, I don't agree with you. I think a lot of people, they just don't give themselves even the space between work and distraction, to have that emotion arise, and then say no to it. It's basically what you're saying you finish work, then you sit for a second that emotion arises and then you're like, you know what, let me go play Xbox, there you go watch the TV. Let me go this whatever. For most people, I don't think they have that gap there to actually be aware. No, no. But yeah, so that's the thing, we just go automatically just behavior.
Dr. Emil 22:18
But that doesn't remove the fact that there's something there.
Itamar Marani 22:22
It might it might not again, honestly, from my experience, working with a lot of people, some people have that stuff. For example, the WhatsApp group, he had no issue with doing that. These guys are nonsense, actually, why am I in this? Oh, my God, like that. And there wasn't any, any hangover that he felt, Oh, this was a bit too harsh. They are leaving none of that he was just comfortable with it. So for I think this might be your personal experience. Yeah. Well,
Dr. Emil 22:44
this is this is from my experience, for sure. Yeah. So well,
Itamar Marani 22:47
what I've seen from a lot of data points is that some people, there's deeper stuff, but for most people that again, the first constraint is actually being aware. And then are you aware, but you're not capable of doing it, then you might have a deeper issue that needs to be resolved. Yeah. Does that make sense? Yeah,
Dr. Emil 23:01
I mean, it's definitely from my personal experience, like from me. But also, I think, generally, you know, people have things that are worth stopping and looking at, and working through, right. I don't think any of us are perfect right
Itamar Marani 23:17
now. No, I agree with you. I'm just saying that I think most people haven't, because they have all these things, these kinds of distractions in their life. They've never given themselves the opportunity to actually sit with these things and have them arise. The great thing, the reason I think I'm very people ask me like, Oh, are you aware? I'm very aware, because they don't have a lot of distractions? Yeah, when I'm in the evening time, after we put our son down, and I'm stretching in the living room, and I have half an hour with myself and my thoughts. That's probably why I'm aware. Because yeah, most people just don't do that. Because there's a TV there to distract him or whatever.
Dr. Emil 23:49
Agreed. And, you know, just to circle back because we went off on a little bit of a tangent is to say that, like, once you get rid of a lot of these things, life gets much better. Because you're, you know, you're mindlessly eating less, you're going to bed earlier because you're not watching TV until super late. You're not drinking alcohol wrecking your sleep, bla bla bla, and we talked about that spiral. Like, this is how you start spiraling in the right direction. And initially, it might be painful and hard and boring as shit. You know, removing all the fun stuff in inverted commas from the house. But once you get over that life improves immeasurably. And this isn't fun stuff, because you're not doing it intentionally. You're doing it on autopilot for whatever the reason may be. It's automatic. It's just it's a drug. It's a drug.
Itamar Marani 24:38
Yeah. I love that. You said that that term spiral in the right direction. Is is the thing if you people try to really force so much. They try to insert so much force into moving themselves into the right direction with these new year's resolution. But I think if they just remove a lot of the crud that's getting in the way that's holding them back. You almost kind of naturally start spiraling in the right direction 100%. That's yeah, that's such a great point. Gone, I just wanted to go on to the next one, I just don't want to hammer this well, and to watch the
Dr. Emil 25:10
last point, there's no such thing as maintenance, you're either spiraling up or down. Right? So you, you're not cruising. So if you're not spiraling up, you're probably not, you're not cruising like you think you are, you need to start removing this shit to start moving in the right direction.
Itamar Marani 25:29
I don't fully agree with that. Because I think everything on a long term basis, you either up or down. There are moments where again, people can use this kind of motivation, new years or whatever, it can overcome a lot of the stuff that's holding them back. But that motivation isn't a long term fuel,
Dr. Emil 25:45
individual asset in the short term, but that's, you know, moot court, because you're not going to get anyway, let's move on.
Itamar Marani 25:52
Alright, so we did the personal stuff, figured out what habits excuses social commitments, people behavior, character traits, stories, or identities, you got to shed, again, create a vacuum of the bad stuff, remove that stuff, so you can spiral in the right direction upwards. Now let's talk about business. So you have to think you know what, before we try to add on this new projects, this new rock this new, whatever it may be, what do we need to shed, what isn't relevant for we're who we are right now, and where we're trying to go. So this could be a specific venture, it could be an idea that you keep playing with in the back of your head, they're just gonna say no to, we're not going to do this this year. You know what, I'm going to shelve this for the next two years, or, you know, I'm just gonna sharpen period, I'm gonna throw it in the trash and this idea of taking too much of my bandwidth, and we're not actually going to act on it. So it needs to be put to bed. It could be a specific product. Either pie that you're thinking of creating, that you've already created, or it could have been even your flagship products from five years ago, which was the best thing for you to promote five years ago. But right now, it is definitely the thing that's holding, taking the most amount of energy and upkeep to make and to deliver, and it's not making you enough profits. This is a big one. After that, employees, there could be some people that are simply in the wrong seats, you need to change them. Or there's maybe some people that could just mean to remove from the company. And this is a tough one, like, you might have hoped that John would have been able to grow from his role as a junior marketing assistant, we've just started up all the way to the CMO of you building a seven or eight figure company. And John gave his all when he was at those lower levels and did a phenomenal job. But maybe that's not who John is, he can't be the CMO. Maybe Jennifer was phenomenal, this or that. But she can't be the CEO that you were hoping she'd be. And it's hard because you really appreciate them as human beings. But you got to recognize they're not a fit for where the company is right now. And definitely not where we're trying to go to. And that's where you got to have again, it's gotta be tough, gotta have a tough conversation and honest conversation. Some people are going to be okay, say, Okay, this is what it is, it's not working out, I can take a different role back to a lower role, so to speak. And we need to bring in a CEO or CMO or whatever it may be, some people might want to leave. The reality is that the reality is what it is, so to speak. So we have employees, every question is about that, because I know it's also a touchy one.
Dr. Emil 28:25
Not from me less to say about this topic. But there is a book The Pumpkin Plan by Michael McCalla wits, which talks a lot about trimming everything, which isn't the pumpkin to allow the pumpkin to grow significantly more, it's very easy to read. And it talks about this in more detail from a tactical perspective.
Itamar Marani 28:43
Great quality, check it up. So we have employees, then we have clients, are there any commitments your businesses made that again, that's called joint ventures, partnerships, whatever, that were a phenomenal win win situation a couple years ago, but now we're not anymore. You got to talk to this person, the vendor, the partner, whatever it may be and say, Hey, this isn't a win win anymore. So how can we close this up in a super respectable way where everyone's happy? But how do we close this out? A big one, then after that is, what responsibilities do you need to eliminate from your plate? If you do an audit on what you're doing and say, Okay, this is this is not the task that someone in my position should be doing anymore. This is a $10 task, or whatever you want to call it, and take inventory of that. And say, what do I need to remove from my plate? This in of itself can create amazing results. And then finally, we go into the KPIs and the goals. And a lot of these are kind of back when, when we started, these were our KPIs. These were our goals, but we gotta let go those who try and think differently now. Does this have to be bigger could be differently? moves we pivoted whatever you want to call it. And now we got to think differently. And finally, as far as the business, it's the culture when we Just started back in the day, these were how this is how we operate. We're just a couple of people, it was very casual. Gotta share that. Maybe I turn a bit more professional now. And saying, This is not how we're going to conduct ourselves anymore. Doing that can make a giant giant impact. So that's the main prompts I have for the business. There any input here? Any thoughts?
Dr. Emil 30:23
Less on this one? But yeah, equally important.
Itamar Marani 30:27
Yep. Okay, so here's the deal, guys. That's really what I wanted to cover today. Michelangelo, he's attributed to having said when somebody asked me, how did you create this? Sorry? Yeah, some somebody asked him, How did you create this beautiful statue of David, the one in shorts? And what do you tribute to him saying was all I did was chip away at everything that didn't look like the block was there? I just chipped away at it. And I think it's a beautiful metaphor. As if instead of focusing in this new year on what more could we be adding to get to the next level? What new habit? What new goal, what new? Whatever it may be. If we just said, Okay, what do we need to remove. And by removing that will create a vacuum where success is inevitable, like we just keep spiraling up. That's amazing results can happen. And it's a lot of amazing results without tremendous effort. Because you're not fighting against so many bad things in your life and trying to add new things, and trying to push all of it together instead of it, removing the bad stuff, creating an easier space to flow in, and you have less to push. And as I suspect success can be a lot more sustainable. So with the whole New year, new me vibe, what I would really recommend is ask yourself, honestly, is is going to be the new year and the same you with just something that you're trying to add on? Or are you actually going to change you is going to be a new year with a new you. And if you really want to do that second one, the best way to do that is by removing, because once you do that you give that new youth opportunity to really come out.
Dr. Emil 32:01
This is a glorious concept. And I said this to Itamar before the podcast started. It's like I love this idea. I love this concept. It's been so beneficial for me personally. So yeah, really, really think about this?
Itamar Marani 32:16
Yeah, it's been, it's been a very beneficial concept for a lot of the arena alumni. They all say not all, but a lot of these guys that say this is the main thing that's helped me to say, Well, I didn't realize how simple it could be. Even making decisions after this is so simple, because I don't have to worry about this, this neck, I thought part of my life anymore. So again, this is something that's emotionally difficult to do. But it's extremely impactful. And it's also a lot of times tactically, very simple and very fast. It just emotionally difficult. So it's that whole easy choices, hard life or hard choices in life. And aside from that, I think we'll wrap it up, we'll wish you a phenomenal new year. And again, take the challenge on yourself. Don't add into your New Year's resolutions st said, What do I need to stop doing what I need to remove in order to make room for the me to point out that next level of stuff that I want for myself, my family, my achievements and so on. And so
Dr. Emil 33:12
I'm gonna need some new year, guys. Yeah, yeah. And
Itamar Marani 33:14
aside from that, we will have the prompts in the show notes below if you want to get those are great news, guys.
One last thing, guys, if you really want to make a powerful resolution and lock in your growth, I invite you to join the q1 arena mindset accelerator. So a couple things to clarify, first off, I will still be leaving the Q and A's you will still have personal access to me, I will still guide you to make sure that you transform your mindset build emotional fortitude, and just conquer whatever you need to conquer so you can achieve new heights. So that's number one. Number two spots are limited. We already have people that have already signed up spots are very limited because we keep the group small so everybody can get that personal attention. Number three, there is an early bird special. So if you sign up before January sixth, you can get $1,500 off the arena price. And four, there's a money back guarantee, you can try the program, do everything in it get results, but if you still don't like it, for whatever reason, there's 100% money back guarantee. So there's basically no risk, you can make this commitment to yourself risk free. Now officially, it starts March 6, but we have live workshops, they both Dr. Me and I will be leading all the way up to that so you can sign up and in January, you already started having live workshops to really start off 2023 with a bang and get yourself to the next level. So if that's something that interests you, and you really want to us to take you to the next level and help you take the next step, you can apply it either more money.com/apply You're gonna find that link in the show notes below as well. And we're excited this next version of the reading that we put together it's got some amazing things. The results people got are phenomenal and we're excited to help you guys get to the next level. So again, I'll be doing the Q and A's spaces are very limited 100% Money Back Guarantee before January 6 early bird special $1,500 off. And again to apply. Go to Itamar marani.com/apply And even though it's starting in March 6, all the way up to that We will be leaving live workshops so you can start off 2023 in the right way and just excel. So again, Itamar marani.com/apply