Start Confidently Executing Your Main Priority
In Under 25 Minutes

I'll walk you through a 5 part system to go from stress and overwhelm to confidently executing and stop holding yourself back without any motivational pep talks.

Your Path to Execution starts today.

The Military Grade Mindset Course Is A Shortcut

If we haven't met yet, I'm Itamar.

I started my journey towards elite performance in the special forces.

At the time, I had no idea what it would require out of me to be an elite performer… and I stumbled often and even failed.

It was very frustrating and exhausting.

Fast forward a couple of decades later, and becoming the country's youngest ever air marshal, working as an undercover agent abroad, earning a BJJ black belt, and being a billionaire’s head of security I learned some valuable lessons.

But I still needed to be more consistent, and at times of peak pressure, I would procrastinate or underperform.

My breakthrough came when the Mossad's head psychologist became a mentor of mine and taught me something entirely different that I finally understood the key elements to elite performance that no one was talking about.

After several years of trial and error and learning things the hard way I reached a point where I consistently took action and performed regardless of how I felt.

Regardless of the stress or pressure.

It's what I want to share with you today in the Military Grade Mindset Course.

You're only 25 minutes away from getting unstuck and going to that next level.

And the entire course only costs $97. 

You Know What To Do But You're Not Doing it

If you know what you should be doing but aren't executing, you're not alone.

That's why I want to share with you the special forces approach to taking action without relying on motivation.

You'll become an elite performer while also uncovering and removing your main blind spots and biases, without focusing on motivation or hardcore discipline.

Having the ability to execute on your biggest opportunities can completely change your life and business.

It's changed mine.

What is The
Military Grade Mindset course?

Don't Expect to Meet a Drill Sergeant!

The course is a unique approach to elite performance that allows you to take action and execute on what you know you should be doing.

We achieve this by getting clarifying what's holding you back and then getting it out of your way in under 25 minutes.

You'll achieve more with less effort, without any motivation nonsense, discipline tactics or bio-hacking fluff.

What's in the course?

The Motivation Fallacy & Action Equation

We'll cover why people fall for motivation tactics that don't create a lasting impact and what to do instead.

the counterintuitive approach to performance

You'll understand and implement the different approach Mossad's head psychologist taught me.


You'll discover how your instincts hurt you, why you develop bad habits and what to do about that.


I'll walk you through a simple formula to pinpoint the exact thing that's holding you back and stopping you from winning.

How to achieve more with less effort

You'll have a straight path to achieve more with less effort. In 25 minutes, you'll get unstuck and confidently go to the next level.

What other entrepreneurs
have to say...


"Last month, year on year, the revenue of the business was up 128%. For the last 6 to 9 months I was banging my head against the wall, trying to figure things out.

You need someone who gives you no bullsh*t advice."

Julian Goldie, Founder & CEO, Julian Goldie inc


"Working with Itamar has been game-changing. He helped identify limiting beliefs I didn't even know I had and helped break them down and overcome them one by one. He helped me gain freedom from my business while at the same time helping it grow to an 8-figure exit!"

Ray Blakney, Founder
Live Lingua & Podcast Hawk

in 1.5 years I went from 10k a month to 3 million a month.

"Mindset coaching with Itamar has been transformative. I was underperforming my true potential, but now have audacious goals, clear waypoints and am on track to achieve them. Quite simply, Itamar is world class at what he does, and an inspirational man to have in your corner."

Scott Phillips, Investor & CEO, Scott Phillips Investing

About Itamar

Itamar's mission is to share everything he's learnt in the Israeli special forces, international counter terrorism, working with the Mossad's top physiologist and coaching 100+ 7-9 figure entrepreneurs.

His focus is to help you become the elite entrepreneur you're capable of being (without any fluff or motivational BS).

100% Satisfaction Guarantee

I want the investment in this course to be an absolute no-brainer for you. So, if you watch the video lessons, complete the workbook, and still don’t find the course useful, drop us an email and we'll happily refund your full payment within 60 days of purchasing the course.

Got Questions?

contact us at [email protected]

If you’ve got any questions about the course, just email us and we’ll do our best to help.